vmc uses the R package tidybayes to draw from posterior distributions. For posterior predictive distributions, vmc uses tidybayes::predicted_draws(); for posterior distribution of push-forward transformation, vmc uses tidybayes::linpred_draws().

  distribution = "prediction",
  newdata = NULL,
  extract_function = NULL,
  response_var = NULL,
  ndraws = 500,
  transform = TRUE,



Which distribution to draw from. The options include "prediction" and and push-forward transformations (e.g. mu, sigma, and phi). For example, if the model is normal family and distribution = "prediction", we draws from posterior predictive distribution; if distribution = "mu", we draws from the distribution of linear/link-level predictor (i.e. push-forward transformations).


Data frame to generate predictions from, or NULL to reuse the data frame used to fit model, i.e. replicated predictive distribution.


The function used to draw from model's posterior distributions. Default to be NULL. If extract_function is NULL, then vmc will use tidybayes::predicted_draws() for distribution = "prediction" and use tidybayes::linpred_draws() for other distributions of linear/link-level predictors. If extract_function is not NULL, it should be a function that takes model, newdata, and ndraws as inputs and output a data frame that sampled from model on newdata with at least a prediction column (the draws from the model's distribution), a .row column (a factor grouping rows from the input newdata), and a .draw column (a unique index corresponding to each draw from the distribution).


A string for the response variable in model. Default to be NULL. If NULL, vmc will infer the response variable from model$formula.


The number of draws to return, or NULL to return all draws.


Whether to transform the distribution by its link function. Default to be TRUE.


Augments passed to extract_function. If extract_function is NULL, then ... will be passed to tidybayes::predicted_draws() or tidybayes::linpred_draws()



mcplot(mpg_model) +
#> Warning: No shared levels found between `names(values)` of the manual scale and the
#> data's fill values.

mcplot(mpg_model) +
#> Warning: No shared levels found between `names(values)` of the manual scale and the
#> data's fill values.

mcplot(mpg_model) +
  mc_draw("mu", data_grid(mpg_model$data, disp, vs, am))
#> Warning: No shared levels found between `names(values)` of the manual scale and the
#> data's fill values.

epred_draws_mu = function(model, newdata, ...) {
  epred_draws(model, newdata, dpar = "mu", ...) %>%
    mutate(prediction = mu)

mcplot(mpg_model) +
  mc_draw(extract_function = epred_draws_mu)
#> Warning: No shared levels found between `names(values)` of the manual scale and the
#> data's fill values.