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The branch function allows the user to define multiple analysis options for a particular step in the analysis.



A string to identify the branch. Each branch is characterised using a parameter which takes different options.


Different options for completing a particular step in the analysis. Each option is declared as <option_name> ~ <option_calculation>. See examples for more details.


Declare a continuous value as the option of a parameter using a sequence (see examples for details), and the expanded sequence will be included as options for that parameter in the multiverse.


For every step in the analysis, there may be more than one analysis option. We use branch to declare these different analysis options. Each branch is characterised by a parameter. The first argument passed into the branch is the parameter.

All the other arguments passed into branch are the different analysis options corresponding to that parameter (that particular step in the analysis process). Naturally, at least two or more options should be declared. Thus, the branch function will provide a warning if the total number arguments passed is less than three.

Please refer to vignette("branch") for more details on how to use this function to create a complete multiverse analysis.


# \donttest{
#> Attaching package: ‘dplyr’
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:stats’:
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

# Example 1: declaring multiple options for a data processing step 
x = rnorm(100, 30, 10)

# Say that you have a variable, x. You want to discretise this variable into two ordinal 
# categories — high (if x >= 30) and low (if x < 30). However, another researcher might argue 
# for discretising this variable into three ordinal categories — high (if x >= 40), 
# medium (if 20 <= x < 40), and low (if x < 20).

M.1 = multiverse() # create a new multiverse object

inside(M.1, {
y = branch(discretisation, 
        "two_levels" ~ ifelse(x < 30, "low", "high"),
        "three_levels" ~ ifelse(x < 20, "low", ifelse(x > 40, "high", "medium"))

# Example 2: using branch with tidyverse and `%>%`
# Let’s say that we have some data which indicates the amount of time spent by a user
# in four different conditions which are indexed 1, 2, 3 and 4
# (the modality column in the following dataset). 
# We will first load the data and convert the column into factor from integer.

data.userlogs.raw = userlogs %>%
    mutate( modality = factor(modality) ) %>%
    arrange( modality )
M.2 = multiverse() # create a new multiverse object

inside(M.2, {
    df = data.userlogs.raw %>%
        select(modality, duration) %>%
        mutate( duration = branch( data_transform, 
                            "none" ~ duration,
                            "log" ~ log(duration)))

# Example 3: using branch with tidyverse and `%>%`
# Consider a scenario where there are more than one alternatives to
# identifying and removing outliers


M.3 = multiverse()

# here, we perform a `filter` operation in the multiverse
inside(M.3, {
    df.filtered = hurricane %>%
                   "no_exclusion" ~ TRUE,
                   "most_extreme" ~ name != "Katrina",
                   "two_most_extreme" ~ !(name %in% c("Katrina", "Audrey"))

# Example 4: using branch as a function
# An alternate way of implementing the `branch()` function from Example 2 may be:

M.4 = multiverse()

inside(M.4, {
    duration_transform = branch(data_trans,
        "log-transformed" ~ log,
        "un-transformed" ~ identity

    duration = duration_transform(data.userlogs.raw$duration)

# Example 5: continuous option values for a parameter

M.5 = multiverse()
inside(M.5, {
  branch(foo, "option1" ~ 1, .options = 1:10)

M.6 = multiverse()
# alternatively, we could specify how we want the vector to be expanded
# for continuous parameters
inside(M.6, {
  branch(foo, "option1" ~ 1, .options = seq(0, 1, by = 0.1))

# }