Authors and Citation
Abhraneel Sarma. Author, maintainer.
Matthew Kay. Author.
Michael Moon. Contributor.
Mark Miller. Contributor.
Kyle Hwang. Contributor.
Hadley Wickham. Contributor.
Alex Kale. Contributor.
Nathan Taback. Contributor.
Fanny Chevalier. Contributor.
Jessica Hullman. Contributor.
Pierre Dragicevic. Contributor.
Yvonne Jansen. Contributor.
Source: inst/CITATION
Sarma, A., Kale, A., Moon, M., Taback, N., Chevalier, F., Hullman, J., & Kay, M. (2021, April 11). multiverse: Multiplexing Alternative Data Analyses in R Notebooks. Available from
@Article{, title = {multiverse: Multiplexing Alternative Data Analyses in R Notebooks (Version 0.6.2)}, author = {Abhraneel Sarma and Alex Kale and Michael Moon and Nathan Taback and Fanny Chevalier and Jessica Hullman and Matthew Kay}, year = {2021}, url = {}, journal = {OSF Preprints}, }